High to Low Normals Bake not working

I have followed very carefully and often how to Bake from a High res to a plain. I put them together and do the high res / shift / Low res and bake according to the instructions, normal, etc, but I seem to be doing something wrong, and this is after reading carefully and watching tutorials.
Any help get the normal colours…

but as you can see in the top graphic, it seems to be demarcated but doesn’t give the effect of the high res.

Are both objects occupying the same point? If they are offset then you can get odd results. This may help.

Nope, I made sure of that using a snap to grid. Each one is exactly where they should be. As you can see, there IS a normal map, it’s just that when viewed on the recipient , it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to. There is no illusion of depth. I will try again on a column and see what happens.
Thanks colkai

What are your texture settings for the normal map ?
Have you enabled the normal map option
Supply demo blend file with normal map for review

Can we have a look at the blend file? Might be easier to solve if we can see it first hand. Images and text don’t offer many clues.

I’ve never uploaded a Blender file before. I hope this is OK. It seems that the normal map ( as far as I can tell ) is OK, but the interpretation is off. Thanks for all the help. I’m well into the tutorials and at last have a small temple I can manoeuvre around.


2 cubes 1 .blend (527 KB)

when that happens, it’s often the case the normal cannot be determined. In that thread, the sides of the object were perfectly flat, so as far as the bake was concerned, there was no angle to play with. So if your indent is a perct 90 degrees, the normal doesn’t have anything to show. If the inner faces are slightly bevelled, it should work however.
In the attached blend, if you bake with the objects as selected, you get the expected result. If however you select the High, then shift select low, you get an “empty” normal map.

A blend file would help track the issue, I am presuming both objects have been UV unwrapped and the inage texture for the normal map on the recipient low poly object is selected. See if you can find any obvious differences between your and my scene.

EDIT: Doh, you beat me to it.
EDIT EDIT: Ahh, nope, check my file, they physically have to occupy the same space. Ahh, I do my baking in cycles not the game engine.


NORMAL 2.blend (1.1 MB)

Here’s your scene as I would do it in Cycles.


2 cubes 1_Cycles .blend (637 KB)

Dear All,
thanks, it works now. I was expecting more than it could give. I guess I’ll have to learn nodal programming as it seems the way to go.

No worries. :slight_smile: