Select object/face/edge/vert doesn't appear in scripting console.


I’m new to python. I decidet at start to see how typical action like moving, rotating, scaling objects and its elements (faces, edges, verts) look in python scripting console. For example - if i grab an object i get
bpy.ops.transform.translate command with a lot of arguments.
if i switch to edit mode i get:
and if i extrude a face i get:
bpy.ops.mesh.extrude_region_move(…and here are 3 lines of arguments…)
So it’s just fine for me, but i can’t see what python does when i select a certain face/edge/verticle in edit mode or a certain object in object mode.
Of course there are billions of threads about selecting faces in python for blender, but it seems that “recording” actions in the scripting console is broken.