Not possible to change "keyframed" value

Ahoy guys,

I’m currently messing around with a little animation where I need something to grow.

What I did:

  • set up the object to grow on
  • create a hair particle system on it
  • insert keyframes for the “Size” value
  • first keyframe with a size value of 0.100

And here comes the part that isn’t working: I can’t change that size value in any other frame, it just clips to the value of the first keyframe

Anyone an idea how to fix this?

The .blend file as requested, but it’s a quite simple one just like the problem:
Particle_Size_Keyframe.blend (603 KB)

Greetings Harle

Is it possibly because your emitter has no timeline? A blend file would help, it will allow folks to see the issue more clearly.

I’m not sure of the reason why it is doing that, but you can manipulate the second keyframe in the Graph Editor.

Ahoy and thanks @Gimble
I was playing with the graph editor now and it seems to be kinda buggy. When you change the size in the graph editor, the size changes in the properties window too, but different.

Like that:

And when you then move to another frame on the timeline, it “calculates” the size values for all the frames and shows the correct one.

But anyway, it works. Thanks for the tip with the graph editor.

Greetings Harle