Make Animation Unsmooth in BGE?

How do I make the animation in BGE LESS smooth?
E.g. to make it look and feel like a cartoon (around 14 frames per second).
Changing frames per second under the Render tab doesn’t work; it’s still smooth.

e.g. if a limb rotates, I only want each frame, not any interpolations in between frames.

Could I bake animation or something?

Thanks for your consideration.

Yes you can, 1 - go to graphic editor, 2 - select all frames, 3 - go to key, 4 - interpolation mode, 5 - select constant interpolation, I think this is what you want, I hope I have helped

Yes, this is it! Thank you so much! Such an easy explanation, too!

One more thing: is it possible to make falling and jumping unsmooth?
If not, then maybe I can do without it.

Thanks again, vincius!

Physics is processed by the physics engine. It calculates each rendered frame (and more).

You could change the overall frame rate. But this will effect everything (render, logic, physics animation).

An alternative but more complicated setup could render the scene/objects to texture and update the texture every x-frames.

How would I go about updating the texture every x-frames?

here is a another way, a pure logic brick setup.

Thanks for the replies! Looks like it narrows things down.
I’ll take a look.

I looked over your GameLoop pdf, Monster. Don’t know how to apply it, though.

Are logic ticks quicker than animation frames?
I’m thinking that I want logic ticks to be the same as animation frames.
That way, there’s no interpolation in bewteen frames of animation,
but also, there’s no smoothness when the camera pans or rotates.

Just in case I wasn’t clear:
I want camera panning and rotating to not have interpolation, if possible.

I’ll try your game logic part later, edderkop.

The ticks and frames are synonyms. At the time of writing the term “ticks” was mainly used. Maybe this is to express a different semantic to animation frames.

Animation frames do not need (but can) match the animation(action) frames as actions can be played interpolated. This means you can play frame 0.3 of an action but you can’t have 0.3 of a logic frame(tick).

You can get non-smooth actions be setting the animation curves to constant.

Does that help?

Hi, I’m back again.

Thanks, edderkop, but the logic slows the animation and motion way too much.
But I guess I exercised my brain understanding the logic.

To clarify on what I want:
I want camera movement to be unsmooth, too.

i.e. If you play the attached .blend
And press 2 to switch to the camera following the character with unsmooth animation,
and hold a-key to move and play animation,
The background pans too smoothly (for me).
(Press 1 for “smooth character”.)

If possible, I want the camera to move just as unsmoothly as the animation.

An idea I have:
Animate the camera (and character) location-wise,
so that their motion cancels out with the smooth character motion.
I.e., in between frames, the camera slowly moves in the opposite direction of the character,
and then suddenly catches up with the character.

Wait. Not sure if this’ll work.

Alternatively, I could have the camera fixed and base my game around that
(kinda like the original Final Fantasy VII.)

Let me know your thoughts.
And I’ll understand if this is just too impractical.


GameTestSimple.blend (2.08 MB)