Evening Lounge Room

Hello everyone!
This is my another attempt to architectural rendering. This time I wanted to practice modeling and test some textures from Poliigon. My goal was to create a cozy space that I’d like to sit in, wrap myself in a warm blanket and watch a good movie with some nice people. I think that the warm light from the corridor adds that feeling to it as I could not just leave it lit by the HDRI, since it was just too dark, not only in terms of technical stuff but also because of the mood.
Rendered in Cycles with 4000 samples.
Please rate, comment and give me some constructive feedback on that! Hope you’ll like it :slight_smile:

wow! really nice! I love the light from the corridor and the color from the pictures. Looks very nice, keep it up

Nice!!! I like the colors in these paintings and also the light come from the corridor give a real sweet and warm feeling, congrats for this one. I really loved this!! :smiley:

(Sorry if i made some mistake in the english i still need to improve it) =/

nice lightning, I like the close up :slight_smile:

I especially like the colorful picture frames!

The breakout point here (where it’s no longer a generic interior rendering) is the combination of strong lighting and the colorful pattern produced by the pictures on the wall.

That combined with the bushes creates a nice splash of color and makes the image pop. Good work overall.

Thank you all for your kind words! :slight_smile: I’m suprised that there is no critique though. Feelsgoodman!
Anyways, here’s a little gif I made to show you the development of this project:

Hello again. This time I have few renders of the models I’ve created for this scene. What do you think about them?

Look what I’ve found. The first concept of this room I sketched as soon as the idea came to my mind :smiley: I don’t think I changed a lot.