My Desk

I thought Id try an interior shot, for the first time, let me know what you think :slight_smile:

I still feel the image is just a bit boring, ive messed about with lighting and cant seem to settle anything that looks interesting.

There are a few obvious thiings to fix, like the plant needs some work, and obviously the texture on the wall behind it.

All critism s welcome, but especially how to make the scene look less boring :slight_smile:


The image is off to a good start but there are 1 or 2 ways you could spicen it up
Add little (very small) smudges to the table and to the screen, Adds realism and generally improves image.
Secondly, the wall is very play and boring. Perhaps a little wallpaper ( this is more optional i think)
The ground is unrealistic, tiles of some kind would quickly fix that and help the image along.
The windows are disorientating, one with mountains +grass and the other with oceans. i get the look u are going for but it detracts from the scene in my opinion. just keep 1 , the ocean , or the grasses. (personally i think the grasses look better)
for lighting im not really sure but perhaps a evening/morning look would fit better give the angle of the sun. Its at a low angle but its too bright. The colour could do with a bit more reddish orange if u do plan to go for the morning look

thats pretty much it. image is looking good , just a few tweaks to make it less boring and it will be much better

awesome, thats just what i needed thanks, also, my fault, but the β€œwindow” on the right is just a blank white cube that I was going to turn into a canvas, but never did for some reason, with a blue light coming from LEDs on the back of monitor if that makes sense, but again that makes equally little sense as having 2 different windows haha.

Thanks for the feedback!!

Every item on your desk is perfectly outlined, place all items a bit more randomly, like it is in the real world. (at least on my desk ;))