World War 2 Vehicles

Assets for a video game I’m designing. I plan to add clumps of snow here and there compared to just having it as part of the texture.

The models you have done are ok, but the texture is not. Both on the ground and on the vehicles the textures lacks bumps, reflection, displacement and occlusion. You have to add a lot of stuff there and if it should be in a videogame, then bake it. Also lift the straps a little on the truck, so they are not part of the texture itself.

The models aren’t bad at all. At least geometrically. Though they seem a little “modern” in design. Did you use some reference?

I’d agree that the textures need improvement. While technically the paint job is working as camouflage, it’s making it very difficult to actually make out any detail. I know that’s exactly what camo is supposed to do. But sometimes what’s realistic, isn’t visually appealing.

Right now the textures are too generic. And there’s little separation between the different elements. With the truck for example, the parts like the canvas cover, the wood side panels and the cab, seem to run into each other. It looks like the same texture is covering the entire model. Even with slightly different colours and values underlying it.

The lighting is also a little too dark to make out the models clearly. If you’re using blender internal, then try a sun lamp with a hemi to balance out the hard shadows. It should makes things a little easier for the viewer to see.

You don’t mention what kind of engine/game you’re targetting. Is it diffuse only? Or can it use more advanced materials?

Thank you for the advice. I was holding off on adding bump, reflection, displacement, etc but do plan on acquiring Crazy Bump and using that. lol, it’s hard to see because of the lighting and the camo but there’s supposed to be streaks of snow across all the textures. (All textures share that same snow image) Maybe that’s why everything runs into each other. Baking is definitely the path I’m taking for the game. I plan to export this to Unreal Engine. Action/ RPG with strong elements from The Last of Us.

What I would focus on is the reflectivity of the various bits – such as the cloth tarp on top of the truck bed. Also check the windows, which seem to be covered with mud or paint. Using nodes, you can apply texture to the reflections so that the light does not seem to reflect equally from all parts of the surface. (For instance, a pudgy “noise” texture.)

Also, when working on these models, turn up the lights! Let’s see it in sunlight. Also, be sure that whatever backdrop isn’t the same color as the objects. Bring the camera closer so that the objects fill the frame.