cloth collision


this is my first time posting a thread here and also I’m still an amateur in blender

so I played sims 3 and I made a lot of poses using blender and the custom sims rigs, and I now know how to make certain objects for the games, and I’m making a poses using a blanket object as prop

I know how to make cloth simulation using cloth collision but there is some aspect that I still don’t know and how to make it more realistic and better

so I made this pose

<a href=“”><img src=“” alt=“1” border=“0”></a>

using cloth collison object I experimented with different setting but I don’t know how to make the cloth to folded between the rig and the bed (I made the blanket using plane mesh with cloth, solidify and subdivision surface) is there anyway to do it? and how to make it more realistic?

also I wanted to make a pose like this using a blanket prop

problem is, cloth collision physics work vertically (like gravity) I don’t know how to make it wrapped around an object horizontally (not like falling down simulation)


For the fold you could go to Edit mode, and use Proportional Editing (Move on the Y axis in the example):

Then make finishing touches on Sculpt mode.

Something more advanced could be to create a geometry with the form of the union of the body and the bed, to give Collision and animating it so that it pushes cloth between the body and the bed. But I do not know, the first thing that I said is easier.