Snap vertex not working at all.

As title says. Until yesterday, i worked using vertex snap to align edges and vertices. Suddenly it doesnt work anymore. I checked that i dont have thigns like proportional editing activated, i checked all pivot and origin points, just in case, i dont have a clue what is going on. I select the vertex snap option, i push the snap button to activate, i try to move a vertex to snap to other, and it will completely ignore me. I dont even see the small circle indicating that its going to snap there.

Maybe i have something somewhere that i activated accidentally but i dont have a clue what. Any ideas what should i check to fix this?

In your case a screen shot of the header for your 3d view might help. Is the "snap unto itself " button active? It’s right beside the snapping menu. Looks like a small white cube.

That was it. lol. I figured it out a few hours ago. For some reason i activated it and i could not snap in the same object. I wish there was some indications or labels around the screen telling you what you have activated or not, and not just slighty shadowed icons. Its really confusing.

But you’d likely end up with a screen full of them. :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen other apps dealing with it in the way you describe. I think it could end up being very distracting. But icon status is fairly obvious with the theme I’m using. My headers are a dark grey with the icons showing white on a deep orange when active.

After going nuts over the same thing, my activated icons now sport a screaming orange when they’re clicked on. You can customize the icon shading in User Preferences under Themes and still keep everything else in non-distracting neutrals.