Second partial hidden object

Assumed i have two objects one in front of the other,with a small part of it visible from the camera, is there any way to render only the second object but still hidden from the second object?The point of thought, is to render many objects individually and then compose them into one scene, for faster rendering time.

Thank you


Hi Phedon,

If I have understand you right, you need to use Holdout node.

Hey is same effect, as i see it, but i thinking maybe there has any easier option,without creating a transparent mask, but just dont render it, for my situation maybe this works, for someone else maybe not, if for example the object with the holdout shader has some material that are reflected on a mirror or glass or whetever.The shader only works like a mask,the point is if u could use the same interaction properties in the scene, like shadows, emmiting ,reflections but without rendering the geometry.This, if exists, could be useful rendering complex objects that are inside each other. breaking the render between objects and compositing the scenes after.

Maybe this option: