wondering why this polygon looks so dark

I have the whole object with 1 material set to white and did nothing else, put a sun out, the texture on the highlighted part looks so dark almost black and the thing on top of it looks so white when they’re the same! I wonder if blender is a little broken? the angles of the polygons don’t seem to be the reason.

I have linked the .blend file. http://pasteall.org/blend/index.php?id=46622

looks like a bad Ngon not co planar

so remove it and try to make quad faces as much as possible

happy bl

wait… so when not quad the shading is unpredictable? or when a ngon or quad are not coplanar?

Non planar faces can cause shading issues, yes. It is best to use only quads.

so can a coplanar ngon cause problems too?

should not
but not certain if it works well with subdivision !

happy bl

It’s not the first time you wonder that. I’ll save you and everyone else some time by saying it never is the program’s fault, you either are doing something wrong or don’t understand something, or more likely both. You can stop wondering if it’s the program, and concentrate on the problem and communicating with others properly.

It’s not because Blender is perfect, but because the sentence “I think it’s a bug” from a beginner user always means it’s not. It’s more useful to assume you’re missing something and go through the paces to find out what before there is even a thought of sending a bug report.

this is stupid, just because the polygon changes angle rotation on the y axis check blend the polygon that is now quad! looks either too white or too black even tho the sun is right next to it when is too black on the render. This is what makes me confused about blender, if someone can give me an explanation that’ll be great.

the position of the sun means nothing.

the rotation of the sun means everything.

looks like you might have some inverted normal too…select faces >> flip normal. see if it fixes the shading issue.