Cube subdivisions

Is there a simple way to create cube subdivisions easily?

I see the subdivision modifier, but in catmull-clark mode, it turns the cube into a sphere. And in simple mode, it’s closer, but it’s doing actually subdivisions, and they’re applied equally on all axis (for example, there is no way to specify you want 5 sections, as you either get 2, 4, 8 or 16.)

What I’m looking for is a way to specify the number of subdivisions on each axis - like you can with a lattice. Is this possible? Or should a different technique be used?

As seems to be common for me, I have figured out a different way of doing this that is way, way better than creating subdivisions – creating loops!

So if you are looking for the same thing, you simply want to insert loops (Ctrl-R) and position them where you want them to be.

For the same subdivisions on each face go into edit mode, select all edges and W / Subdivide. Set the number of subdivisions in the toolshelf or F6