Magical Giant Bone Appearing in Edit Mode - Help!

Hi All!

I’m not entirely sure what I’ve done, but if somebody here with more experience in terms of rigging could explain to me what went wrong here, please do.

Here’s the issue,
whenever I try to move one of my bones in edit mode, a huge copy of that bone appears out of nowhere. The provided file has the issue I’m trying to solve.

Thank you for reading,



[Edit] - Turn off X-axis Mirror.

[Edit] I’ve discovered that the only faulty bones are connected to the Neck.
[Edit] I’ve uploaded a version that has the faulty bones selected.


Horse.blend (2.23 MB)

Looks like you built your rig on Y axis left and right. But you have X axis mirror in options on. Turn it off. Your confusing it. Next time you rig, rig the left and right side on x axis. It’s a Blender thing.

Thank you!