Fluid Baker

Hi there,

Been working on fluid sim recently for a project, and developped this little addon to bake the particles meshing (metaballs or cubesurfer addon) to help the viewport performance (especially with LBM splashes particles, and SPH).

It generates an alembic file containing the meshes sequence, and allows modifiers on top of the mesh, such as smooth and boolean operators, which is quite interesting when dealing with fluid meshes.

You can download it on Githubfor free, and buy it on Gumroad to support :eyebrowlift:



Place the downloaded .zip file anywhere.
In Blender, press Ctrl-Alt-U, Addons tab > Install from File
Navigate and select the .zip file
Click Install from File
Enable the addon checkbox if needed
Click Save User Settings

Meshing and baking the particles

Assign a metaball as dupli object to the particle system, or use the CubeSurfer addon
Hit T key in the 3d view to enable the tool shelf on the left, look for the Physic tab and the Fluid Baker panel
Click and select the metaball/isosurface object in the dedicated field
Click Export to generate the file
Click Import to import the generated file in the scene