SVG for mix shader factor?

I have an svg file that I want to use to mix 2 diffuse nodes. Are there any nodes for svg vector graphics? The image texture node seems to only allow bitmap images. For what I am doing the bitmap would need to be huge (around 50,000+ pixels in length) to provide the sharpness needed.

I am wanting to put lines on a basketball court and they need to be sharp when zoomed in. I figured creating an svg of the court lines would be the best way to scale it up for zooming in if there is a way to use the svg data to mix the diffuse.

This is a PBR material setup and I also want the lines to share the normal, gloss, surface imperfection maps, etc with the wood texture. It seems mixing the diffuse to add the painted lines would be the best way. That way, the lines and wood texture can share the normals, etc.

However, if I can’t get the sharpness on the edges of the court lines when zoomed in then I may need to import the svg a curves object. The issues then is getting all of the other maps to align exactly between the curves object and the floor object below it.

Any ideas?

Cycles doesn’t support vector graphics, and there are no plans to support them anytime soon.

The only thing you can do is model the lines into the court mesh and use vertex colors.

Thanks, I figured that was the case.

Just create geometry, that’ll be sharp. You can create geometry from SVG (File->Import->SVG).