Tranparency and shadows.


In other software I have been trying to make a daylight simulation in planview of a building so the only light in the animation is what comes through windows etc.
Is there a way in Blender to make a transparent object that casts a shadow, that I could use to put on top of the building?
The attached picture is an example of how it should not be done…

Is there a way in Blender to make a transparent object that casts a shadow,

In the Object / Cycles Settings / Ray Settings you can disable ‘Camera’ so it will be there casting shadow but the camera won’t see it

Just a stupid question about Blender. Can I make a daylight simulation in a house I designed looking into the house as in a planview?
I link to a an example of a movie

Yeah, that video you linked is well within the capabilities of blender. Once you have the house all set up and modeled like that, just animate a sun lamp rotating and render.

You can have a full scene with ceiling and complex lighting and you can render it from above like in your example if you have a camera looking down and set it’s Clipping Start far enough to go through ceiling.

If you are using cycles - you can use the light path node to create a material that will cast shadows - but where the object itself is invisible/transparent.

This is the standard startup ‘cube’ scene - with an added ground plane. The material in the nodes has been added to the cube.