Transformation Constraint Not Working

Does anyone know why my Transformations aren’t working? i’m using the constraints to try and rig an undercarriage, which needs to swing back and rotate to fit in the fuselage. i worked out the rotation on the local Z of the Empty i’m using, but it’s not playing that way - it doesn’t seem to move the wheels for the first 23 degrees or so and as a result the end position isn’t right. any help would be appreciated

The only delay I can see to the rotation of the wheel is because the empty starts with a Z rotation less than zero degrees and you have the constraint limited to start at zero degrees

looks like that was it ~ much obliged :slight_smile:

EDIT - i tried putting a Limit Rotation on that Empty, limiting Z to 0 degrees and it won’t have it. setting World space and rotating on Z works, but setting Local and rotating local Z is ignored :-/