Scaled UV map

Hello again, awesome guys.

Would you please be so kind to explain, why is my UV map looks so unevenly and why I can’t see any faces and vertices there? (My model was accidently scaled down on Z in Object Mode, but I don’t believe it could be a problem, since I applied scale to 1)
I would also be happy to get some evaluation of my geometry from you. I tried my best, but I am still not able to judge if it is good and if I can do something to make it better.

help1.blend (882 KB)

You have applied no edge seams to split up the unwrap.

If that was a model paper model how would you unwrap it to a flat sheet without cutting some seams ? You can’t without it being a squashed mess (as you have). Add seams (Ctrl+E) where you would cut the paper

For a quick and dirty unwrap use W / Smart UV Project

Yes, thank you, I am familiar with the technique, but I didn’t even start to work on UVs because there is no edges at all in UV editor. I tried automatical unwrapping, but there is just nothing shown, and the canvas in editor is somehow scewed down, there are not even quads in there. I’m wondering how it is so. With my other details it works okay…

Your UV/Image Editor window is set to show the render result, not the UVs of the selected object…

Ah here is the problem! Thank you!

One way to unwrap this

  • Select linked flat faces and project from view on both sides
  • pin § bottom UV island
  • grow the selection to the slanted faces and unwrap again, added loops conform to the pinned UV’s
  • select boundary loops makes it faster to select needed edges, mark as seams
  • selecting linked to those already unwrapped faces (select, ctrl+L) limits the selection to seams, and can invert selection (ctrl+i) to select faces around the holes and surrounding areas
  • smart UV project, or could also try cylinder projection with aligned view
  • average UV island scale (ctrl+A) and pack islands (ctrl+P) without rotation, increasing margin

Could consolidate the UV’s on top of each other and have more texture pixels covering the object, but without overlapping it’s ready for painting at least.

The more I observe you the stronger I believe you are a wizard. Thank you, JA12! Very useful tips!