Particle System - Change Color based on emitting location?

Hi Blenderartists!

I have a single mesh in my scene with TWO MATERIALS (white and blue Diffuse BSDF) assigned to it [see image] which should be emitting a particle system which contains of Icospheres (like the one shown in the image). This Icosphere has one white Emission BSDF and one blue Emission BSDF.
I want these particles to change their color/material when reaching the different color of its emitter, say the white parts of the emitter should be emitting white particles, the blue part the blue particles, but the white particles shouldn´t change their color when they´re already emitted but crossing the border. How can I tell Blender to do this?

I tried a Particle Info node with “Location” connected to a Vector Mapping node, but this resulted in a strange, asloped output. So, what can I do? :confused:

Thanks all of you beforehand!