Appropriate Computer Hardware for For Blender Cycles With Low Budget.

I am currently working on a quad core Linux Mint computer with 6GB and have been needing to upgrade to something faster. I am not completely sure what spec machine would be appropriate for a stand alone workstation. If you could suggest a hardware spec and video card option that won’t break the bank that would be helpful.

Well, it would be helpful for us to know what exactly would “break the bank” for you. What kind of budget are we talking about?

Also what do you have currently and what exactly is too slow or gets in the way of comfortable work?

Depends, firstly are you looking to go GPU or CPU rendering, what else do you use your computer for?

What price range are you talking? $500, $1000 or greater?

Here’s an example system, comes to $950 USD approx, focused on GPU rendering.
A mid range/price system.

zeealpal, that was really helpful. I was thinking a budget between $1000 and $1500.

I have been working on a short film type scene with full textures and particles of grass, but whenever I add the particles of grass my machine slows down to a snails pace. (I know that working with particles can be tricky because of the load it places on the computer). I have linked in two buildings into my scene and only one is filled with stuff, the other is empty.

Once the grass is in my scene it slows the computer down to the point that I can no longer use or move my mouse, and I end up having to restart my computer and start all over repeating the same process over again. So i’m looking for something faster than my old Intel core 2 quad machine.

Hi, the lagging with huge particle systems is a Blender problem not a hardware problem.
Sure, you can speed up the display performance with better hardware but I have a i5, GTX 760 and 16 GB Ram and with bigger particle systems it starts lagging.
May you know somebody with a good system where you can test, Blender is portable so nothing to install.
Check you Particle > Display settings and try 10-50%.

Cheers, mib