Noob here in need of some helpful assistance

New blender user here, could use some helpful critiques and hints.
This is my 3rd model with blender, 1st human, but I’ve been an artist for over 25 years just new to this whole cg thing.
Just working my way through tutorials linking up what i can
I started with a guitar, then car, this is from the blenderella dvd

The hair is from the CG cookie styling and rendering long hair series and the hair shader was snippets of others mixed with trial and error. Only 80 samples my main cpu died and doing this on a tablet. I think I’m going in the right direction with the hair.

Here’s the shader and settings, would appreciate it if someone could try it with a higher sample pass
can post the Blend file if you want.

Still need to work more on the hair shape (the ends are bugging me) and tutorials for lighting and skin next, will post updates.

The Blendarella tutorials are a bit out-dated you know. I mean, their great and all, but I’d say most 3d work revolves around sculpting and retopo, rather then box modeling- it’s a valid technique, but I’d say a lot more time consuming. For making materials and texturing I can recommend substance designer or substance painter- way more intuitive to work with, almost like photoshop for 3d.
On Poliigon web site you can get alot of great textures and also some great tutorials.
One other thing, are you rendering on CPU or a GPU ?

CPU my main PC took a crapper, I think its the motherboard. Doing this on a tablet.
Found the Blenderella tutorials on youtube. Looked like a good way to start the learning process. It helped to learn the hot keys and modifiers for future projects. Most of the sculpting vids are time lapse and I like the idea of seeing through the mesh to line everything up.
Can you still do sculpting with this once all the modifiers are done? that was my plan for adding more detail in the face for better realism.
I downloaded Mari and started learning that for textures. Need to learn lighting first.

Added more to the hair

looks good just need to light the scene better.

Still need more work on the hair a bit wild. Maybe less parents and more children ?
Skin not too bad for a start need more variation and pores.
Learning as I go, not too bad

revamped the hair and lighting and background,slightly better camera work (still needs adjustments trying perspective settings) looks better

I really need particle eyebrows and lashes.
getting weird light on the skin in a few angles (ears, nose and forehead).
Maybe the fresnel?
still trying to find the best means to reproduce pores.
Could I make a displacement map with what I have, then projection paint more details on top of that?
Or would copying an AO map and painting on that work too?
Only 250 samples so it may not make a difference on this PC.


Finally got that eureka moment .
Made a displacement map by converting the colored skin texture to greyscale and combining that with an AO map in photoshop making the greyed skin semi transparent.
Then put them back into blender and used a greyed skin texture as both a texture paint image and mask on top.

I took that image ran into a color ramp then to the height to a bump node then out to the sss bump weight, sss node from cg blender

At first it was too much like she instantly aged 30 years but after playing with the ram and bump it looks much better

400 samples and I can see pretty decent skin texture.
Getting better day by day.
Will try one with better resolution later

I understand your situation. My laptop won’t even run the newest version of Blender anymore. (2.75 is my ver.)
I learned a very important lesson about changing motherboards, though. Little copper screws that mount it to the case are designed to prevent grounding. Using all of them is very important because a heavy video card can…end your existence as a PC enthusiast.
In any case, when working on shaders is important to know that sometimes your performance is going to take a serious hit if you’ve got a bunch of nodes you don’t need…or if you try to force a node to do something it isn’t designed to do.
Also: closing the preview panel in the material settings tab will help…unless you’re using it…