Hot to get this refelctive material?

Hey guys,
i have to model this chair and i don’t know hot to create this reflective material like in the picture (the bottom of the chair/the armrest). I have to use Blender Render, because Unity doesn’t support materials made with Cycles Render. Is it possible to create such a material with Blender Render?
Do i have to use a HDR image or is the mirror setting enough to make such a material?

I hope you can help me :smiley:

Best regards Kleinhummel

PS: Sorry for my bad english skills. I am from germany ^^

to get high reflections you need also to find a good HDRI image
or many light sources around you scene !

happy cl

Dont know much about blender render - but if you need HDR enviornment maps that will give this sort of “studio lighting” look, try these - they are pretty decent.