Early projects

Hi everyone.
I just recently started on Blender, and made three projects.
One is from a tutorial, two are self-made.
Here they are:

Hey, not bad at all for beginning!
I like how you didn’t solely on tutorials and that you tried to make your own projects. I see a lot of people following only tutorial and don’t experiement and it only slows the progress and limits their potential.
The lighting and materials look decent, not bad :slight_smile:
I would just critique the ball material. It took me way too much to realize this, so I thought I would share with you now to save you some frustration lol
The “correct” way to create colored glass material (or any glass, actually) is to leave the “Glass BSDF” shader color white or something close to that, and then using a “Volume absorption” and that’s where you put your color and adjust its density (the lower it is, the clearer it appears).
on the left suzanne (monkey head) I applied this method. on the right one I applied what I think you used (a single Glass BSDF shader). You can see that the left suzanne’s ears are clear because they’re thin, and the head is more blue because it’s thick. On the other hand, the right one is evenly colored and it’s not something you’d expect from a recular glass. Also notice that the reflections are white on left, which is generally the case with all dielectric materials (non-metals, eg: plastic, paper, paint, wood…etc)

I hope this helps a bit

Thank you very much for the info!
It does look a little bit weird, now that you mention it.
Not that many videos touch on how to make glass properly, so it certainly helps.

hi Aozora… good project. i am newbie too in blender… hope can upload something