Quickly creating a planked floor with variation of planks and angles?

Hello! I’m needing some help with finding a way to quickly model a wooden floor out of planks and giving the floor some variation in planks and rotation of each plank to make the floor look aged and in need of repairs. Does anyone have any tips to share for doing this? Because currently I’m taking the slooooow route of manually placing each and every board for my church scene

…and that’ll be a pain to do the entire floor like that… Look for a way to speed things up some.

Blender Plancher - Floor board generator addon.


Or You could do it Youself…:slight_smile:

Make a plank…Use array modifier to add more plank…Apply it.

Go Edit mode…Floor selected…Press p - select - By loose parts.

Go Object Mode…Press Spacebar…Go down to Transform - Select Randomize Transform.

It will open a Panel in the Button of the T - Panel…See it in Picture.

Use it to Transform Your Floor…Puff Puff
