Some motion graphics advice

I am attempting some motion graphics with Blender. I am trying to duplicate a piece created by a talented AE artist named Mattrunks. Here is a link to the animation:

I’ve only creating the first part so far.

Here are my attempts. The first one uses the Blender render engine, the second, cycles. Though the cycles version took ALOT longer to render, the shadows are much nicer. I could not figure out how to soften the shadows in the blender render engine.

The things that would make this animation much better (IMO), but I have not learned yet, are:

  1. add a curves adjustment to entire animation
  2. Glow
  3. Some camera depth of field
  4. A better gradient background
  5. Add some type of “venetian blind” effect to solid shapes (like in AE), or just textures in general

I think that would make the animation a lot better.

Any advice would be appreciated

I updated the animation by using the EasyFx add-on. I added a slight vignette and glow as well as tweaking the light setting to soften the shadows.