Why might a render scatter around rendering as opposed to center-out rendering?

Usually when I render something it appears to render from inside to outside, as in the checkered boxes start at the center and over the course of a few minutes (or a few hours) work themselves to the edges. The render finishes as the corners are rendered.
Today though blender is doing something different: instead of working from inside to outside, the “rendering boxes” are going randomly around all over my scene rendering randomly.
Why might this be happening?


This is just curiosity, blender is still rendering fine.

Show us a screenshot with your “Performance” panel visible. Might be Hilbert spiral now selected?

Happens a lot when there are tiles that need significantly longer to render then others and while the renderer is still keeping to it’s center -> edges pattern it simpy looks less organized.

Also Hilbert Spiral (http://bl.ocks.org/nitaku/bffd66a05d5bf04aefa7) goes from center to edges on larger scale but tends to do some seemingly unorganized things in between.