Photo to 3D - freeware - where?

I am searching for something like the now discontinued Autodesk 123d, preferable freeware. I tried google, but all sorts of other software came up. I don’t want to download any of them, as they look more like malware infected scams.

Therefore I ask that people make a list of free (preferably open source, non-malware, non-adware please) applications for Win, which can turn photos into 3D objects in formats which Blender can import.

Thank you in advance.

Try insight 3D , but I dont know What format is exported .


Then to optimize, clean geo/mesh, preserve textures…

some resources

is it only ONE photo ?

or a stereo pair ?

or a Multiview set of images ?

Python Photogrammetry Toolbox might be of interest to you as well.