How to make the mirror effect have an opposite effect on mirrored meshes?

How do I make the mirror effect have the opposite reaction to it’s mirrored object?

Let’s say I grab one mesh, and the mirrored mesh it’s connected to moves in the other direction of the where I am moving an object to?

Sorry, but could you please post an image or so to illustrate what you’re trying to do?
From my understanding what you describe is the default behaviour of mirror: Move the “original object” to the left and the “mirrored object” will move to the right…

you worded that REALLY badly… but i think i know what you want…

  1. Add an Array modifier
  2. Uncheck Relative Offset, and Check Object Offset
  3. Add an Empty in the scene, and press Alt+G to place it in the center. (DONT ROTATE OR SCALE IT!)
  4. Rename it “mirror” (optional)
  5. select the object, and in the array modifier, select the “mirror” object in the object offset thingy.
  6. Rotate the empty by 180* (typically in the Z axses, but it depends on the model)


  • Make sure you apply scale and rotation on your object! else this technique wont work properly!
  • If you wish to scale in object mode, do so with the empty AND object selected!
  • Be careful where you position the origin point of the object, as it will affect how the array modifier behaves! i recomend you apply location of the object, unless you want to position it anywere spesificly.
  • just to make sure you dont mess up the empty, put it on a separate layer.