HELP! Blender Audio React

Sorry for making this useless thread, but does someone know how to make a .mp4 file react to it’s audio by bouncing with Blender?
And I usually suck at spelling, so if you want to see what I mean, here is an example:

So I made this video with After Effects CC 2017, but nowadays I can’t extend it’s trial and I don’t have much money to use, so yeah.
I would appreciate if you guys could help me with this situation.

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Might want to run the audio through filters in an external program such as audacity to better focus the movement to specific frequencies.

It’s possible to add a keyframe to the value you want to control. That could be transforms (rotation, location, scale) for an object in the 3D scene, or transforms in either compositor or the video sequence editor, or something else. That animation curve can then be changed to follow the sound in the graph editor with “bake sound to f-curves” operator, and you would point it to the filtered sample. Could also add modifiers to that curve to add limits for example.