size of numbers in dimension/scale


i want to apply a mesh on a curve, since i got a tool that says me the exact lenght of the curve, i can copy it and apply it to the mesh so mesh lenght=curve lenght (with curve modifier)

the dimension has 3 numbers after the dot, the curve gives me 10 after the dot
so the dimensionscale is 4.065 instead of 4.0647746847645
how can i increase the shown numbers there? i have 3 numbers after the dot only, i need more.
i checked whole settings, didnt found any parameter for that

pls halp

its an accuracy limit of blender. they say you can change the scale of the scene, but i have no experience with that.

you can use the measureit addon
scripts>addons>measureit>open the file

Scene.measureit_gl_precision = IntProperty(name=‘Precision’, min=0, max=5, default=2, description=“Number of decimal precision”)
Change the value of max =5 to 10