anodized aluminium

I’m quite inexperienced in using nodes for blender cycles. I’m trying to create anodized aluminium or material called elox in my country, but no success.

Surface has a little shiny reflections points, something like noise on the surface. That kind of material is something similar to aluminium on iphones, but not much. I think that is rougher and has some weird texture in the shadow. Every time when i render it, i get perfect smooth surface without any kind of this nice noise.

View through microscope shows rugged surface. I was wondering about changing structure but not sure if it is the right way. Is there somebody to help me?

Try this:

if you try to get “realistic” results you have to do a little bit more.

A good base shader for metal is something like this:
Blender Guru: Realistic Materials - Metal

Anyway, I guess there are still some things to change:

  • a noise texture on it’s own is way too even, you should mix some other textures (maybe a musgrave with a lot of tweaking or even a photo-texture)
  • I guess you’re better off using the bump-node and plug it into the normal input, instead of using displacement
  • your metal is a bit too bright (the reflection color)

To get good looking results with a material like the one you want to recreate, you have to put some other objects in the scene. Objects with such a smooth and even material (especially metal) look best when put into a scene with more stuff going on.

Maybe that helps a bit.

Edit: oh and you need to increase your roughness a bit to match the material in the photo.
