Armature deform with automatic heights deform my mesh

Hello Im new in the foro, my first language is spanish so sorry if i make mistakes writting.

I have a problem when i try to animate my mesh. I put the bones only in the legs because that is the only part i want to animate, but when i try the “Armature deform with automatic heights” my mesh deform very weird. This is my first rigging so i need help.


After “Armature deform with automatic heights”

Here i let you the blend file if you want to check it out:

Elephant.blend (600 KB)

Please Help me:(:frowning:

I just encountered a similar issue and thanks to members here, I found the easy fix. You can check my thread a few threads below yours titled: “Need help with automatic weighting problem”.
In my case the problem was unapplied and negative scales (the Z-axis had a negative value on the scale). So I suggest you try this:
1: Select your mesh, hit Ctrl-A and apply scale
2: With the mesh still selected, hit tab to enter edit mode
3: Hit A to select all vertices, Ctrl-N and flip normals or use the “Recalculate outside” option
4: After that, parent your mesh with automatic weights.

Alright I didn’t see your attached blend file originally. So now I went through it and found the problem. All you have to do is, before you parent the mesh:

  • Select the armature and enter pose mode
  • Hit Ctrl-A and apply the pose as rest pose
    *Go ahead and parent your mesh using automatic weights

I have attached a screenshot of the successfully parented character posed slightly in a different position using the armature.


Automatic weights, not heights.

The mesh is full of mesh errors and it’s not suitable for deformation. You’ll find problematic areas in edit mode by selecting none, and then select menu -> select by trait -> non-manifold (or ctrl+alt+shift+m)

But many of those are visible just by looking at it

  1. inverted faces. The face directions (normals) are pointing in, where as lighter faces are pointing out like they should
  2. open edges (holes)
  3. overlapping geometry
  4. 0 area faces. There are face indicators where the edges should be in face select mode

A. not a mesh error but object origin would be better located at the median point of the feet. As in, when the object origin is at world origin, the mesh is above the ground

Another example of the #3. pushing faces in or out, there’s more geometry underneath. The edges are intersecting so it’s not enough to just remove double vertices and be done with it.

Object scale was 1,1,1 for both the mesh and the armature which is good. But the mesh needs work. Select all, W -> remove doubles, then ctrl+N to try and get the normals pointing out. Delete extra geometry, fill holes.

The rig needs at least a root bone where other bones are parented to, and can be used to move the whole thing around. It could be where the body is, because that too needs a bone so it’s possible to lower the body and have the legs bend.

The bones aren’t located correctly or in proportion. IK pole angles are off

Great. Flashxy’s posts appearing before my post after 3 days I posted. Don’t know if it’s because of problem in content delivery network, slow moderation for posts from new users, if it affects activity date, and if it also affects posts that are from regular users. What I do know is that 3 days is way too slow.