UV-Space Wind using nodes

Here my attempt to create some kind of (2D-) wind animation with the build in material editor using the texture coordinates.

But it’s more a test/gadget because to calculate the wind per fragment is slow and a waste of render time, normally this should be done per vertex but the bge has no node editor for vertex shader. :stuck_out_tongue:

There are two versions:

One for UPBGE using the time node.
wind_upbge.blend (836 KB)
And one that works also in bge(/upbge). It use a animated lamp energy value to animate the texture but that is just a workaround and not very flexible.
wind.blend (832 KB)


The textures aren’t packed so it does not appear to work. It looks amazing from the video though! I can’t wait to try it.

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@Nicholas_A Sorry, the texture is packed now. :wink: