How do i make a character face a different way with logic bricks?

Hi all,

I am trying to make a 2.5d side scroller. i made the character move left/right, jump, and sprint. but i don’t know how to get the model to face the correct way when moving left/right. i was experimenting and got the model to turn with one tap of the keyboard but it would also turn on every following tap as well which would result in a character facing right but traveling left. I hope i explained this clearly. Thanks for taking the time to read. Any help would be appreciated!
Here is my current logic brick setup:

Vertex parent the camera to a empty, vertex parent the empty to the physics hitbox,

Parent 4 empty (cardinal directions) to the camera parent empty.


Keypress - - - - and----(edit object: track to ( cardinal direction object)

Thanks for the info. I got it to work but when i add the parents the controls glitch. I’ll add the file if ya wanna take a look.
this one works without parents until you hit an empty (W and A to move) 2dgame1.blend (591 KB)
This one was my attempt at parent so the empties and camera would move with the character 2dgame2.blend (591 KB)

Vertex parent the empty to the physics hit box, this is very important.

Vertex parent copies pos, no rotation.

Thanks. I’ve been experimenting and got it working. you’re info made it possible