object particles dont thumble or spin

it’s been a while, and i must have forgotten something about particles.

I’m using particles, that are an object instance of another mesh.
All i want is that they fall down tumble / rotate / spin and behave well just as normal things that fall and hit objects.

What happens is that all objects dont spin at all, they collide with a colision object but stay upwards all the time.

Contrary to rigid bodies, object instances are considered as spheres during particles collisions.
Unless they are not falling vertically or there are irregularities on the ground, normal spheres that are hitting a flat ground will not tumble, rotate or spin during their bounce.

You have to enable Dynamic Option in Panel rotation but it is not a sufficient condition.
You have to add randomness in Initial Velocity of particles too or add a wind ; in order to avoïd particles to fall strictly vertically.