Bone Tracking to Property instead of Object

Hey All,

I was wondering if there is a way to get a bone to track to a property via a python script, instead of tracking to an object.
When I have bones track to an object via the constraints tab, it works…that is, it works as long as only one instance is spawned; the moment multiple are spawned the bone tries to track toward all instances of the object.
SO, I was wondering if there was a way to do this via python that would resolve this issue.

BTW, the idea I have in mind is all spawned creatures being able to track their Head_Control bones to a nearby fellow NPC

Thanks, I hope someone finds a solution for this.

Where is this property located?

In front of the bone on the -Y Axis.

The property has a location in space?

Yes, It will be on a cube (or some other mesh) in front of the bone.

In order to track to a property, you’d have to access the object in which the property resides. So isn’t that pointless? Or maybe I’m not understanding correctly?

You’d have to define the “nearby fellow NPC” somehow. This will require a bit of programming.

PS: This thread should get you started ; )