Map Not Properly importing to unity (Beginner)

I imported my very basic map to unity and noticed a difference from the map in unity and the map in blender. I lowered face in blender to act as a simple water hole. In blender the surrounding corners are all the same, however in unity the the diagonal corner is the same but the other diagonal corners are different. One pair of corners dips down properly but the other corner in unity just doesn’t go down. I have attached pictures to better show what I mean.
In Blender:

In Unity:

I noticed when the water wasn’t the same on each corner.

You can triangulate a quad in two ways and with non planar quads as you have here you will get different results depending on how that quad is split.

Your computer cannot read your mind in how it should split those quads so maybe you do so before exporting it so you control exactly the result you want.

CTRL T will triangulate and you can reverse it back to quads if you need ALT J (edit mode).

Also you will probably get better results if you extrude downwards and smooth the edges.

Thanks Everyone that helped a bunch!