Why did the oops Schematic disappear?

Always, blender’s concept of reusing data blocks make me confused

Then one day I accidentally saw the video about oops Schematic and got a complete understanding of the data block system.

Unfortunately, however, I discovered that this feature has been removed since version 2.49b.

Why did the oops Schematic disappear even though it had intense intuition?

I would also like to hear your thoughts on the advantages and disadvantages of oops schematic and outliner.

Thank you.

can you link the video?

Sure, here is it

just so you know where i stand, i learned all of that without ever knowing the concept behind “data blocks”. i just knew that two objects could share the same mesh, etc. all though i do think its nice to have the OOPS for educational purposes, to help new useres more easily understand how datablocks work, i dont see it being any useful for intermediate or advanced users.

i dont see any reason why they would remove it though… could be nice when demonstrating for other users.

when it comes to the outliner, i never use it. i never look at it, i do everything in the viewport. however, as most other programs depend on the outliner, id still recomend other people to become familiar with it.

that thing looked just awful. glad its gone. odds are id be in there going full on ocd for hours on end instead of getting any work done :smiley:

i use the outliner set to datablock mode all the time to make sure i dont have any rogue orphans. anyone with the slightest concept of nomenclature needs nothing more then a list of datablocks.

Thank you for the comment.

Let me explain a bit more about the difficulty I felt with the beginner’s eye level.

When I first encountered Blender’s data system, I thought that one object had all the data slots so that any data could be freely assembled.

The UI of outliner and property panel make me had limited imagination.

So I was confused by the fact that the one mesh data can not have two different materials.

However, after seeing the oops schematic, I fully realized why I can not apply two materials to the same mesh data.

Certainly oops schematic is good for education.

If the Blender official manual’s data block chapter had an oops schematic image, I think it would have been easier for beginners to understand it.

And I’m surprised you do not use outliner.

Could you please tell me what are some of the setting tips to get full intuition in your viewport?

Thank you for the comment.

I agree with the opinion that we will waste time organizing the oops shematic.

I have no experience, but I was able to feel the agony of Blender users in the past by looking at the images that come out of Googleing.

And here is one image I forgot to use in my project over a month
User is 31…
But I don’t know which objects or nodes is the user of this image.
Is it possible to see which users have this image using the data block view in the outliner?
I do not know how to do that.
How can I track users?
Please teach me.

Guys, the feature is must be added again for the sake of education. IMHO

Blender would better be served with additional features in the outliner to show relationships between objects better. One of the major issues with the oops schematic is that it would become a giant spaghetti pile with large scenes making use of thousands of datablocks and object heirarches.

Also, we should be close to seeing the argument of following old tutorials as a moot point, so much has changed in Blender that few of them still apply across many steps, and 2.8 will break them even further.

Right. OOPS in huge scenes tend to be like spaghetti.
This is a disadvantage of OOPS.
However, OOPS is more intuitive than Outliner in tracking the user created without the artist knowing and the relationship between the objects.
So I also think that Outliner needs to be able to understand the relationship between objects more easily.

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I agree. Spaghetti mess it’s a huge disadvantage. I think it can be made by localizing the represented data parts. No need to put all spaghetti on the table) If for example all materials of the complex scene will be shown in a node editor, that’s will be the mess indeed

I’m trying to think what version of Blender I first used… the point being I used a whole load of pre-2.5 versions of Blender, and I … well I guess I opened it up, went “OMG - what is that? I do not want to try to understand!” and swapped to the outliner, which is what I was after. I guess this is what a lot of people thought as I didn’t even hear anyone complain about it’s deletion.

Also -“before I go into Edit mode” (-from your video) Really? Do you really want to teach this before edit mode?

I for my part would very much welcome the return of (some sort of) schematic. Especially when it comes to rigging or dealing with hierarchies it’s an invaluable tool that is much easier to read and understand than just a list of objects nested inside each other. Just like it’s much easier to “read” a node based comp (especially if it’s not your own) than an After Effects project with dozens of nested precomps.

Softimage had a schematic as well and although it looked ugly as hell it was your first address to analyze and understand a scene and to create complex hierarchies for skeletons and rigs.
Just look at this very little example:


Much easier to understand than something like this:


I can understand that it looks intimidating to new users, but as long as you’re not forced to always work this way it would be awesome to at least have access to a more visual layout of the data structure of your scene IMHO. Actually if you don’t like a schematic you don’t even need to open it in the first place, just like I don’t ever use the Python console while many other users use this every day.

Now that Jacques Lucke is at the Blender institute for the “everything nodes” goal, maybe something like a schematic will appear anyway :wink:


hi, may be some on can code and want to contribute


I opened the github link and downloaded the file ‘blender_oops_schematic_addon-master.zip’.
I tried to install it from Blender 2.79 and 2.8 respectively using Install Add-on from File funtion.
But nothing happened.
Could you tell me how to install it?

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I’m sorry to repeat the same words.
But one day I suddenly came up with a metaphor for expressing the misunderstanding of data block of Blender when I was a beginner.
It is Lego block.
And I wanted to share it within this thread.

The oops schematic tends to form spaghetti in huge scenes, but still works well as an educational system for beginners.
When I first got into Blender I saw the word data block and reminded me of the LEGO block.
I thought all the data blocks were completely freely assemblable.
So I couldn’t figure out why the linked-duplicated (Alt + D) objects could not have different materials.
However, after seeing a video about the oops schematic, I understood why there are restrictions on the assembly of data blocks.
I think it would be nice if the Blender official manual uses an image of the oops schematic to deal with the fact that the data block is slightly different from the LEGO block.

↑ A misconception about data blocks when I’m a beginner.

↑ What happens when you actually do Linked-Duplicate.
(Capture from the top YouTube video)

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