Armature / Data transfer modifier evaluation

i have a character separated into parts, all assigned with automatic weights.
I managed to smooth the normals with the Data transfer modifier by copying those from each adjacent piece in a certain distance.
But i have another problem: the vertex weights must also be copied/smoothed across objects, but while setting the modifier up to do so i noticed that it seems to evaluate independently of the armature modifier order, meaning all transferred data (weights and normals) only apply in the non-deformed state (or kind of re-evaluate after the deformation (it looks like one frame later) at which point the pieces are already separated so they are not in a valid transfer distance anymore).
I thought reordering the modifiers would solve this as it usually does, but it doesn’t seem to work that way in this case.
Am i doing something wrong, or is there any other way to achieve what i’m after?

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