Do I have problems with the normal maps, nodes or lighting?

I’m trying to emulate Dino skin, and I’ve encountered some troubles with the normals maps. I don’t know If the baking was done wrong, nor if the lighting setup is too simple.

When looking at certain angles, the “skin” looks really flat, while looking at other angles, It gets a slightly better feel of “texture”

Hello, yes you do… sorta…

You’re not using a Normal Map Node with your normal map.

I would replace the multiply node with a normal map node then plug the output both into the normal slot of the diffuse node and glossy node.

Pretty dino…

The output of your normal map, instead of going into the multiply should go into a ‘normal map’ node, color input. THen the output of that normal map should go into the normal inputs on all the shaders – not into the displacment.

All shaders and fresnel.