logic brick idea

What if there were no limits to how many properties one sensor could detect?Would that make logic bricks easier and less like spaghetti?

Each sensor should have a trigger pulse, (to fire logic)
As well as properties that are cached with last pulse that have node connectors.
These would connect directly to actuators.

Ray -------------and-----------steer to (Target)

(same ray sensor property out node)
Ray.Hitobject ------------(set steer Target)

When pulse is fired, actuator looks up the sensors stored data,
If the data is not None, and the object.invalid==False fire steering actuator targeting new target object.

but would possible to have sensor that has as many properties as you like?It reminds me of the many if’s you can have in python.That one sensor could replace a lot of sensor.

I think you’re talking like the expression controller?

the expression controller does not us properties.I am talking about the sensors have any number of properties you like.

expression does use properties. for example: prop1 > prop2 &c.

he means like the ray sensor looks for objects with property ‘X’. and want to have it look for objects with property ‘y,x,y,z,a,2,4’…

yes that is what i meant.