How to make this scene more lively ?

Hello blender artists,
Today I’ve been trying to play around with some bots models I made, trying to make it look like a fight broke out and one of them was punched badly.
However, looking back at it, I feel the render feels very bland, and not very intense. Do you think the angle is at fault ? What would you do to make this scene feel less like a small punched bot and more like an intense fight that ended in a violent fashion for one of the fighters ?

Add some more details and such to it. Lighting is also a helper in the feel of the scene as well. So maybe something like small loose parts falling/flying through the air, maybe some denting on the punched area, a small smoke plume. Picture something like Real Steel the movie when the bots were fighting. But these are all just random ideas that may help add a little something to the scene. The bots are interesting, I like it.

I like the idea of a few loose parts flying off the one bot. You’d do well to make it a short animation of the bot getting hit and falling.

Posing! Check this out