Deleting many objects is incredible slow

Hello, I realised that when I delete hundreds or thousands of objects, it could took minutes to perform.
Is there any way to speed it up?

Win 7 64 Pro, i7 4970


open a new blend, append the objects you want, delete the old blend.

save the blend, generate thousands of objects, close without saving.

Very useful. Anything else?

blenders viewport is slow as a drunk snail, not much can be done about it.

I know that it is slow as hell, but I’m not sure it is viewport-related. But even for viewport speed up there are tricks (hiding outliner, etc.).

Pre-planning how to use the layers for different sets of objects helps with situations like this. Any time I’m going to create a lot of objects that go together, I give them their own layer, at least to start with. Better yet is to group them all so you can just select them all as one if you ned to.

Once had deletion performance issues myself (in a huge scene). If i recall correctly, this did the trick:

for ob in bpy.context.selected_objects:
    if ob.users==0: ob.user_clear()

If so, make a simple python operator and bind to hotkey.

Hope it helps!

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