Are there ways to join or union two objects? Blender 2.78c


I am trying to join or union two meshes (both failed) because it would changed the shape or the material of the objects. Are there ways to join them?

included blend file:

I also want to flatten the text to the mug, I tried boolean modifier and moving the text mesh around, but it did not work.

thank in advance.


Mug1-1.blend (151 KB)

I also need help in turning text visible on the cup but flat on the cup. I tried to use boolean modifier and moved the text but it did not work. thanks

It’s possible but you don’t want that. The text can be put on the cup as a texture. It’s flat, and even if it were a bit raised or pushed in, that could also be done with a texture.

It doesn’t make sense to connect the geometry unless you’re 3D printing it and the slicing software doesn’t allow intersecting geometry, which at least Slic3r does.

But the structure is not suitable for such deformation, there are long triangles where it should bend. And the scale is negative

  • ctrl+A -> scale to apply scale

  • edit mode, select all, W -> remove doubles, ctrl+N to flip the normals

  • could also do beautify faces with alt+shift+F which organizes the triangles a bit more orderly, and gives a bit better result for deformation and also when enabling smooth shading for the object, and auto smooth from object data properties to cut the shading on high angle edges

  • could also try remesh modifier to organize the structure so it aligns with the deformation direction

thanks JA12.

Did you enter text in the blender uv editor? I thought I can only enter text in gimp or ps. After I marked the seams and I pressed U to unwrap it, nothing happen. Is it the seams I marked are not right? Did you only mark the flat parts of the cup and ignored the handle?

I rendered the text you had on layer 2 and saved the image.

Doesn’t necessarily need seams but have to select what you unwrap. Selecting just the text area should give a layout for the text, and put the rest of the coordinates on (u,v) 0,0 so they’re out of the way.

  • unwrap
  • straighten edges on one UV face with edge select and W -> align auto
  • select that UV face
  • U -> follow active quads

thanks again for the

That is very clever to use my text to used my mesh to generate an png file.

I used the search option in the add shader menu, I could not find the Mix (the node that connected to mix shader’s fac). Without it, the cup is black.

Add > Color > MixRGB.
Or do you mean the Fresnel node? That’s under Add > Input > Fresnel.

hi JA12,

I found the mixRGB, but my mug now is gray, what do I do wrong?

Hi. You have to select both meshes, and then, Ctrl+j

You’re not following JA12’s advice. Pay more attention to the screenshot: The texture connects to the Fac input of the MixRGB node, not the top Color input…

Finally, I got it. At first, I thought that yellow input must connected to yellow output. Thank, IkariShinji.

The only problem is that the text is not very white and bright, is there a solution?

In the 3d view port, the cup is white, what setting do i need to tweak to get the color red back?

You’re in textured viewport shading mode which shows the image.

The image should have full white on the text (value 1.0), full black on the background (0.0), and something in between on the edges for text anti-aliasing. That is used as mask map in the material, mixing two colors where 0 gets the background color, 1 gets the text color, and any other value gets a mix of the two colors.

I am sorry I do not understand your statements.
Do you mean that I can not see the color red in 3d viewport while also showing texture?

  1. textured viewport shading shows the active image node from the node editor, and since there’s only one, it shows the one used for mixing
  2. material viewport shading shows the material result. this is not reliable for complex node setups and rendered viewport shading should be used for those

And then I explained how the color mixing works with a mask so you’d do your own troubleshooting instead of asking why the text is not full white.

I finally get what you are saying.

On an unrelated question, how to set this thread to solved. I want to close this thread.