Road Worn

So yeah, another guitar. They seem to be my go-to thing when I can’t think of anything else to make.

Had a go at a butterscotch blonde Fender Telecaster with some hand painted damage. It’s my first attempt a hand painting textures and I found it an extremely satisfying process! It really hammered home the lesson that good UV unwrapping is very important…

Rendered in cycles at around 500 samples.

Anyway, C&Cs always welcome.

Looks great! Maybe work on the background element of the scene as the model looks great but everything else looks kind of bland.

Love it! I wanna play it badly.

Cheers guys! Yeah, I tried to keep the background quite clean and simple to contrast the grunginess of the guitar, but it may need something else…

Looks good! I’m only thinking that it looks VERY worn in some places, and VERY pristine in other places. Doesn’t really make sense that there’s this big difference in how worn it is.

Looks good. Some of the wear is in the wrong spot and not where it would be on a well used guitar