UV Mapping Mesh in Blender

So, I’ve been trying to find a tutorial on this for a while on google but have had no luck. I have a mesh (100k+ vertices) of an indoor environment generated from a large point cloud. Notably, this means that the textures should be on the INSIDE surface of the mesh, not the outside. I also have pre-computed UV coordinates, that I’ve currently coded to be stored in a .PLY file, but that can also be stored in other files.

I’ve been trying to do texture mapping on this map. With the point cloud, I also have a panorama that I will be taking the texture from. The panorama covers 360 degrees of longitude and 180 degrees of latitude. However, I can’t seem to find any method described in any tutorials that allows me to unwrap the mesh using the UV coordinates I already have. I am very very new to blender so I unfortunately don’t know what might be useful for me in this situation.

Also, Blender on my PC with an 4-yr old i7, 10 GB RAM, and GTX 680 slows to a crawl whenever I open the mesh. However, the quality of the mesh is extremely important, so reducing it down to the ~1000 vertices to get it to run smoothly will not work in the long run. Is there any way to avoid this slowdown with large meshes? Additionally, if what I am describing is not the strength of Blender, what other programs would best be used instead of Blender?

Thank you!!

Your post is vague and can mean multiple things.

However, I can’t seem to find any method described in any tutorials that allows me to unwrap the mesh using the UV coordinates I already have.

From a test, the blender .ply file importer also imports any UVs the object has. If the imported .ply object already has UVs then it is already unwrapped.

You need to supply a simplified demo file and annotated images to shows exactly what you have what you want and what you are getting that you don’t want. You talk of textures, where do they come in. Do the textures map to the UVs or do you want to apply the textures in some other way. Demonstrate clearly what you are talking about so there is no guesswork required.