Mirror texture on the X or Y axis ingame

Hello. I want to mirror a texture on the X or Y axis ingame. The texture/model looks like that:

As you see, the texture needs to be mirrored.

When, in Blender Render, I tick the “Mirror Y” button, the texture will mirror perfectly when rendered, like seen in that image:

Since that button doesn’t work in the BGE, I need help. How do I achieve the same effect ingame?
Do I need a script for that?

Thank you really much for answers! :slight_smile:

Select the faces where the texture is wrong, go into the UV/Image Editor, and hit Ctrl + M, then X or Y

I really appreciate your fast answer, but unfortunately that only mirrors the UV-map. What I mean is that the right side of the texture gets mirrored, so it’s the same texture on the left side, only mirrored… Hope that makes sense.

Can’t you do: Split the mesh in half (where you want the mirror axis) and apply a Mirror modifier?

Nope, already tried that. That always messes up the mesh.

just make the texture mirrored in the image. that way you can add some variance. dont worry about performance at this point. once you figure how to model efficiently, then you can conform your textures.

Guess I’ll do that, thank you :wink: