Critiques on topology

I’m trying to create a character that is very flexible, has good definition at level 1 subsurf and has a fairly low polycount.

After looking at tons of reference images and organic topology, I’ve been able to piece together a fairly decent (I think) model at 4800 polys. Mostly quads with a few triangles.

I’m looking for feedback especially around the deltoids and the shoulder blades.

You have a lot of triangles, I think you have to do something about that. Also the 5 vertex near the corner of the mouth is in a bad place, that is a place of a lot of movement. Other than that, impresive stuff.

There are a number of videos on YouTube that cover topology in Blender. It may seem mean spirited to simply point you at them rather than giving direct feedback, but topology is the type of thing you’ll need to dig deep in order to understand, so watching the pros and then doing your own critique really is the best way.

I would recommend you to make a quick skeleton and try out the topology with the needed deformations. Fix stuff that needs you attention and leave the unnoticeable problems. This is the power of iteration. To many people worries about rules that are written by others.

I think it looks good but I wouldn’t know for sure until it’s tested.