Industrial Hall


I have just Finished my new project on which i have worked for the last few months and wanted to share it with you.

Hope you like it:

Good job.I really like it.

Looks very good.
It took me a while to notice the table though. At first I thought “are those giant portable stoves ?”
The table’s texture is very similar to the ground’s texture and the lighting on the table is the same as in the background. Also there’s no slight depth of field or slight volumetric fog to help us distinguish the foreground from the background.
I think we need something. I would go for the lighting and texture personally.

I see what ChameleonScales means about the table. Perhaps changing the framing a bit to include at least part of the near-side table legs would help, too.

Other than that, pretty amazing. I’ve been working on something similar and I’ve got nowhere near that amount of detail so far. So, you’ve shown me just how much work I’ve got ahead of me (dammit). :slight_smile:


First off all thank you for your quick Feedback.
The Idea to use some volumetrics for separating the foreground from the background is great. I did not wanted to use a high depth of field because it wanted to show details as well in the background area and because a standard f-stop of 5.6 does not give a noticeable depth of field due to the distance of the camera to the focal element. The table texture can get some improvement, actually the dirt on the table is to small and must be scaled properly. And probably I could intensify the brightness of the light of the gas-lamp.

I will go for it.

I think your lamp is already pretty bright. I would mostly darken the background a little. Right now it’s very bright and contrasty, blending with the foreground. Looks like the hall is fully open on the right side (out of the frame) and the sun is directly facing the wall on the left. Maybe if there was some unseen obstacle or even a wall with a window it would help.