Essential mesh condition for 3D printing among checks that 3D print toolbox warns me?

Hi. Now, I’m into 3D printing, I realized that it is more difficult than I expected.

3D print toolbox tells me the bad verts and faces in my objects.
However, I don’t know how I can fix the problems.
(Because the amount of mesh for 3D printing is extraordinary huge, it is impossible to fix them one by one.
I’m making clean, non intersect objects first, however, when I try to boolean(union) them for 3D printing, Problems seem to happen.)

These are checks that toolbox tells.
Which are the must that I need to fix before exporting?
For example, overhang face, I think, can be ignored this time, because they can be taken care using support structure on 3D print software.

Also, I’m using XYZware for 3D print software, and seems the software automatically fixes some problems when I import the data to it. (I’m not sure what broken part it is fixing though.) And fixed mesh doesn’t look different from that in Blender.
Can I rely on the software for fixing the data?

Non Manifold Edge (I try to make it zero using boolean when I union objects)
Bad Conting Edges
Intersect Face (I think this must be made zero, but I don’t come up with the idea of how)
Zero Faces/Edges
Non-Flat Faces
Thin Faces (I’m not caring)
Sharp Edges (I’m not caring)
Overhang Face (I’m dealing with it afterward)

I’m sorry for my long sentence. Overall, I’d like to know

  1. the essential problems that should be fixed
  2. the efficient way to fix it.

I’d appreciate if you could help me.
Thank you for reading.

I don’t know anything about this, so don’t get excited. I notice you just posted this when I was looking into doing what you’re trying to do.
Although: there is apparently software around which will effectively create an outer skin envelope all over your model, then make a shell to whatever thickness you desire.

One programme is very expensive [£400/yr] called Magic22, but the other has a free trial period [I don’t know how much after that - it looks pretty cheap].

I can’t use it as it only runs on Windows and I have a Mac.

But some print companies have it and can do the job for you.

I was talking to one guy a couple of days ago who has the expensive one, and told me to send him my file [like yours - full of meshes]. But, as yet he hasn’t got back to me.
It’s a UK company called 3D Creation Lab in Sheffield.

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